
Your Next Diamond Purchase: Online or Physical Jewelry Store?
Buying diamonds can be both a pleasure and a pain. A pleasure because it is undeniable that diamonds are one of the most special things we can buy. ...
Buying diamonds can be both a pleasure and a pain. A pleasure because it is undeniable that diamonds are one of the most special things we can buy. Pain, because it takes a lot of knowledge, precaution, and care to buy an exquisite stone and to make sure that you are getting the quality you deserve out of your money. One of the first questions you are going to make once you decide to buy a diamond is, "Should I buy from an actual jewelry store, or should I go for online jewelry stores?" What are the pros and cons? Should you take the splurge! Read on!
PRICEOne factor that is considered by everyone is the price. Although we all want high-quality diamond jewelry, it is still important to know what range we will consider as "the right price." In some cases, we tend to look for diamonds that are of high quality but not too expensive. Without a doubt, when you consider a purchase, the price comes first. So, when it comes to price, which offers a comprehensive reflection? Since the price is an essential factor, let's look into the differences between the prices between online jewelry stores and physical stores.
Online Jewelry StoresOne of the hard to ignore is that online jewelry stores offer a lower price than physical jewelry stores. But when the price is lower, does that mean lower quality, too? It is quite the contrary. These online merchants can offer a lower price range for the same quality as physical jewelry stores for a lower price because of the following factors:
♥ Expenses are smallerCompared to their actual counterparts, online jewelry stores don't have other expenses to consider, such as salary, rent, and store maintenance. Everything can be done through virtual reality. It allows online store owners to slash out costs from their price. Did you know that you can save up to 50% if you prefer to buy a diamond in an online jewelry store while getting the same high-quality stone?
♥ Less InventoryMaintenanceAnother advantage of an online jewelry store is that it does not have inventory maintenance to consider. Since their orders are real-time and their response is direct, they don't need to consider shipping and stock costs anymore.
Physical Jewelry StoresThe only disadvantage of physical jewelry stores is that they have other expenses to consider aside from the initial cost. Some examples of these costs are the shipping costs, the stock cost, and the inventory maintenance cost. The total expenses garnered from these processes are then factored into the total amount of inventory (something that online jewelry stores don't have). That's why they often reflect a higher price compared to the ones sold on the Internet.
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QUALITYAlthough the price is one of the first things looked into when buying a diamond, another factor in giving keen attention is quality. Sure, you can get something of a lesser price, but are you getting something that fits the quality that you are looking for? Or perhaps you paid a lot for a certain diamond, how can you be so sure that it's worth the stone? One of the primary issues of buying a diamond online is quality. How can one be so sure of his/her purchase if they can't see the stone's actual look? Although there are descriptions listed on each product, how sure can one be in trusting it? For many people who are uber meticulous with quality, they prefer that they see the stone themselves and judge it based on its actual look. When it comes to checking quality, many still prefer to go to a physical jewelry store than the ones on the internet. In a physical jewelry store, you can check, recheck, identify problems, and express your desire for what you want for a ring. The only downside is this: you only pay 50% more of what you can get from the online stores. But if you think it is worth it, go for it!
DEPENDABILITYOne of the significant issues of shopping for online products is safety. How safe is it, really? How sure can you be that you're not scammed? When considering a major diamond purchase, ask yourself which way would be comfortable for you, buying online or seeing the diamond? Even though the internet has made it a lot easier for us, we still can't deny that there could always be scammers waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of you. If you are more comfortable with buying online, look for reputable online jewelry stores. Reading reviews about that store will also help you get a conclusion about whether or not you will give it a go. But if you are someone who makes sure that you are going to get the quality you deserve without compromising your safety and buyer protection, you might want to go and contact a physical jewelry store.
OPTIONSIf you are on the hunt for beautiful diamond jewelry, especially engagement rings, you have to make sure that you have a list of reputable and high-quality options. Can't afford to do jewelry shopping with only limited designs, right? You need to have the best, so you have to have a ton of options. This is when online jewelry stores come to an advantage. Because these stores don't need to save a lot of inventory (and shoulder a ton of costs that go with it), they can display a number of stocks on their websites, allowing you to choose from their attractive sets and collections.
The same is not true for physical jewelry stores. Aside from the fact that they have inventory costs to consider, these stores can't also bear the costs of purchasing so many designs, especially when there's a risk that people will not buy them all. That is why they have to limit their stocks at a particular number, making it difficult for a buyer to choose based on a limited number of diamonds. It is exhausting to hop from one jewelry store to another to find the perfect ring to present to your bride-to-be. So if you value options, online jewelry stores are the places to go.
Not everyone is a fan of going extreme lengths. Perhaps this is why many people are big fans of online jewelry stores. The convenience that it offers customers by making transactions fast and easy for them is an excellent magnet for customers. Who doesn't want to get fantastic jewelry from the comforts of your own home? Going to physical jewelry stores can be hard to do, especially if the store is far from you. Sometimes, you can travel miles to get a diamond ring, which can be pretty burdensome to a lot of people.
However, convenience isn't only limited to the ease of getting a product. Ease of return should also be considered. How reliable can you be for you to get a piece of jewelry and be able to return it to the store once a problem has occurred? Many online jewelry stores offer free shipping to products that need to be returned. Physical jewelry stores, on the other hand, provide the same service and ease of return. Distance should also be considered once you choose whether you should go for an online or actual jewelry store.
Lastly, one of the crucial factors that can also play a significant role in your options is customer service. Between the two, which of them can offer you a significant impact on customer service? If you are looking for intricate details and want to express it to a jeweler yourself, go to an actual jewelry store. Online jewelry stores offer the same service to their customers but not as much into intricate details. Make sure you will get the best customer service experience!
You deserve to get the best diamond and the best purchase experience. Consider these factors when you are about to buy a diamond to make sure you get the best. For fabulous diamonds, low prices, and excellent customer service, visit We offer high-quality diamonds without the expensive price tag! Don't sit there waiting. Keep sparkling, darling.