They are brilliant, sparkly, beautiful, and have an undeniable power to make us look dazzling. Yes, that is right. I am talking about our jewelry ...

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

They are brilliant, sparkly, beautiful, and have an undeniable power to make us look dazzling. Yes, that is right. I am talking about our jewelry ...

They are brilliant, sparkly, beautiful, and have an undeniable power to make us look dazzling. Yes, that is right. I am talking about our jewelry pieces. I am sure it is safe to say that all of us are fans of these remarkable creations. But did you know that beyond the breathtaking gorgeousness of these trinkets are myths and trivia that make them attractive all the more? Myths make us curious, I know. So, let us see some interesting stories in these 13 fun and exciting myths on jewelry.

1. Nothing can ever break a Diamond.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

I'm sure that on one occasion, you have heard that diamond can scratch another diamond. They say diamonds are called "a girl's best friend" because they are highly durable and hard to crack. Well, I guess it is the right time to break this myth. Although diamonds are made of durable material (think about the process they had to undergo to become the diamonds we admire), a diamond can also break, scratch, or chip once proper care is not applied. Are you feeling adventurous and curious? Don't ever try testing the durability of the diamond with a hammer, or you'll get your heart and diamond shattered to pieces.

Shop Women's Initials Diamond Pendants Jewelry

2. It is not good to wear pearls on your wedding day.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

Another popular myth about jewelry is that pearls on the wedding day mean bad luck. Those who believe in this myth say that pearls are bad omen; they symbolize the tears that a woman will shed on her marriage with her beloved groom. They also say that the pearls on a string mean the woman is up for a string of problems when she says, "I do." So far, I haven't heard accounts proving this to be true. But I must say, I am not a fan of this myth. I believe every bride should have pearls on their wedding day, and I don't see it being associated with problems and marital woes unless the groom buys a pearl necklace for more than he can afford and eventually goes into debt. That's a real problem brought about by pearls. 

Shop Women's Pearl Stud Earrings Jewelry

3. Diamonds are the rarest of stones.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

The hype for a diamond is massive; that's why every top attribute is credited to it. One is the claim that the diamond is the rarest of stones. They say diamonds are hidden in the most challenging places, which is why extracting them is so hard. Although diamonds are extremely rare (thus the expensive price tag), it is not true that diamonds are the rarest of all. Open a Guinness Book, and you will find that the rarest stone is painite. Haven't you heard of the painite gem? My point exactly. 

Shop Women's Love Knot Pendants Jewelry

4. Color is considered to be the essential thing in pricing diamonds.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

We all know that clear diamonds carry a pretty high cost, but did you know that they are more expensive than the obvious ones? Some diamonds come in different colors, like the most expensive blue diamond, the ultra-rare pink diamond, and the perpetually scattered yellow diamonds. Because of their rarity, these diamonds can cost tons. However, color is not the primary basis for pricing diamonds. There are three other characteristics checked before pricing a gem. These three characteristics are carat weight, clarity, and cut. Together with color, these characteristics are called the 4cs of Diamond Grading. These are used to determine the price of a diamond.

Shop Women's Quartz Band Rings Jewelry

5. You can dissolve pearls in vinegar.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

Queen Cleopatra wanted to get her point across to Marc Anthony. She wanted him to know she held extreme wealth and could throw the best banquet ever. To prove her point to Marc Anthony, she dissolved a pearl in vinegar (gasp) and drank it. Yes, my thoughts exactly. I will never dissolve a pearl. But Cleo is Cleo, and her famous pearl-melted-in-vinegar story has lived for many years. Can you indeed dissolve a pearl in vinegar? Well, experts said you could -- if you have a lot of time. It takes quite a while to melt a pearl, let alone immediately. If you don't have the time and want to dissolve it once and for all, you need to turn it to powder form, which I won't dare do.

Shop Women's 1mm Singapore Gold Chains Jewelry 

6. Opals come with bad luck.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

During ancient times, men left home all the time. These husbands had some missions to conquer a country or defend a territory, often leaving a wife and children. Men, Romans mainly, would give opals to their wives as a form of good luck charm and stone for protection and safety. However, this reasonable belief did not last long. After a while, the opal gems were believed to cause lousy fortune, plagues, and tragedy. Fortunately for the opal, its rare characteristics made it famous again. People say the opal holds in itself the beauty of all gems combined; that's a pretty rad compliment, I must say. 

Shop Women's Opal Silver Necklaces Jewelry

7. Gold has three colors.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

So, you go to a jewelry store and ask for gold. Suddenly the salesperson asks you, "Which gold? White, yellow, or rose gold?" You wonder how many colors there are? Gold is now popularly associated with three colors: yellow, white, and rose gold. To clear the myth, remember that gold only has one color: yellow gold. But as gold is said to be so malleable, jewelry makers combine other metals to make the jewelry more sturdy, creating white and rose gold. Now, that isn't so confusing anymore, right? So when you visit a jewelry store next time, you know your gold already.

Shop Women's Pearls Silver Anklets Jewelry

8. You can tell that gold is pure by biting it.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

It's a technique as old as when we see people from the movies biting the gold to make sure they are pure material. Well, you can probably do that, but it can backfire. Gold, as mentioned above, is a highly malleable metal; biting it might cause the teeth to mark your jewelry. The softer the metal, the purer the gold. Be vigilant, though. Some scammers cover their bars with lead because it shows the same characteristic as gold. 


9. Pearls are expensive because only 1 in 10,000 oysters can produce pearls.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

Unfortunately, yes. Can you imagine what luck these pearl hunters have when they see 1 in 10,000? Authentic pearls from oysters are hard to find, but they also take a lot of painful work to produce them. So when you get a pearl for a gift, remember that you are holding years of work that it took to form.

Shop Women's Irregular Pearl Drop Earrings Jewelry 

10. Engagement rings should only be diamonds because other stones don't bring many blessings.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

Where this myth came from? I don't know. But I am glad this fact is slowly dispelled, thanks to high-profile Hollywood engagements. Although diamond remains to be a favorite, not all love it. Some celebrities wear ruby and emeralds and can never forget the famous blue sapphire engagement ring of Kate Middleton. Every gemstone can be a perfect engagement ring.

Shop Women's Moissanite Engagement Rings Jewelry 

11. You should always wear your engagement and wedding ring.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

They say that the way you protect your marriage from possible infidelity should you always wear your wedding and engagement ring. Nevertheless, it's not still the best option in every situation. Sometimes, wearing your rings in public can be unsafe for you and your jewelry. Leave the rings if necessary. You don't need to wear a commitment symbol on your finger if you are already wearing one in your heart.

Shop Women's Eternity Wedding Bands Jewelry 

12. The more significant the jewelry, the better.

12 Jewelry Myths Revealed

Another jewelry myth that needs to be busted is the belief that a piece of larger jewelry costs more. Although gemstones with heavier carats commonly require more, this is not always the case. It still boils down to the necessary grading of gemstones: the 4cs. A large gemstone with an inadequate cut and mediocre quality will cost cheaper than a smaller gem with a perfect cut and high quality. It does not always depend on the size, and quality still matters the most.

So when you look for jewelry, settle for the overall characteristics, not just size. These are just some myths that surround our favorite gems and jewelry. Some of them are true, and some of them are not. When choosing a piece of jewelry, always go to the right source to avoid confusion and wrong information. To know than to believe is still the best key. But we can't deny it. Myths can also make jewelry more interesting. 

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